Ben and I headed to my doctor appointment that morning at 10. When we went back for the ultrasound, I immediately informed the tech that we did not want to find out if Baby A was a boy or girl but wanted to ask if she could do a favor for us. Basically, we wanted her to figure it out, print out the pictures and place them in a sealed envelope, and then after Ben and I left she was to call this bakery in Decatur who would then bake a cake with the appropriate dyed color-pink or blue- on the inside. Later that night Ben and I planned to have a small gathering with our closest friends and family to "cut the cake" and reveal the gender! She of course agreed. The tech spent the first 10 minutes getting all of the measurements of the baby (with the computer screen facing away from me) to make sure she was developing appropriately. She then said "Ok, I know what you are having!" Gosh, in that moment I wanted her to tell me sooo bad. It took some major self control not having her just go ahead and spill the beans. haha
She then called Ben back into the room and she put the ultrasound up on a huge flat screen that was hung on the wall in front of the bed. She wanted us to be able to see the Baby, but promised she wouldn't go anywhere near the area needed to tell the gender. It was sooooo wonderful to see Baby A moving around in my belly. I just remember I kept saying "This is so fun.." over and over throughout the entire ultrasound. When we finished with the ultrasound, we went back to meet with the doctor and the tech called the bakery. All went well with the doctor, and Ben and I left to each go back to work.
Talk about the LONGEST day of my entire life...I wanted so badly to sneak into the sealed envelope with the pictures revealing whether it was a boy or girl. I did not get one productive thing done at work that day. Finally, the time came and I headed back to my parents house in Decatur where we were having the party.
My mom had picked the cake up for me earlier that day. I had ordered the cake from All-Wright Bakery in Decatur, AL. I would highly recommend them to anyone. The cake was delicious, so tasty, and the people working there were soooo nice. My mom said everyone at the bakery was just so giddy over the whole idea. They all came out from the back of the kitchen just grinning ear to ear saying things like "We know what it is!" "You have to call us tomorrow after the party!" etc. Here is the cute cake that they prepared for us...
and then it was finally time to cut the cake!!! I remember I was shaking so much while cutting it.
It's PINK!! It's a GIRL!!
We then tore into the envelope to reveal the picture of the ultrasound... yep, it's definitely a Girl!
Look at all of these friends that came to celebrate with us! Ben and I truly are sooooooo lucky to have such great friends. Many of these people traveled from far away just to be with us during the reveal.. They came to Decatur from Birmingham, Florence, and Huntsville. We can't even begin to express how much that meant to us to have them there!
Abby sure is excited it's a girl so she can have someone to play dolls with!
Ben's mom and dad were so sweet and brought both a girl and boy gift. We of course opened the girl gift which was by far the cutest outfit I have ever seen. Look at this...
I am seriously obsessed with that outfit. I can not wait for Baby A to get here so she can wear it!
And our good friends Whitney and Brian brought us this awesome bottle dryer rack...
Isn't that soo cool? They always come up with the most creative and unique gifts. I love the colors too!
And our good friends Whitney and Brian brought us this awesome bottle dryer rack...
Overall, having this gender party was seriously one of the most fun nights I have had in a long time. I am SOO thankful that I have it all recorded so I can keep these memories forever. I have literally watched the video almost every night since then just reliving that moment. The whole day was just sooo unbelievable. I can't wait until Baby Girl is older and we can show her the video and tell her about the big reveal. It was so awesome finding out the gender at the exact same time as our closest family and friends. Baby A is already so loved!
It's amazing how different everything feels just after knowing the gender. It's like it makes it more real. I am seriously SOOO thrilled to be having a daughter! We haven't decided on a name yet. There just aren't a whole lot of girls names that we like, so we are having a hard time. Hopefully we will get it figured out soon though!
I'm so sad we couldn't be there, but I loved the post and pictures! I feel like I was there! We are so excited for y'all, and I, especially, am thrilled it's a girl. So awesome!