Yep, thats my wonderful Dad! Doesn't look 50 does he?!
At the last minute, he ended up heading down to the beach with one of his good friends for the weekend, so we didn't really get to celebrate as a family all together. Hopefully we will do a late celebration with him in the next week or so! Ben and I made sure to call and leave him a message singing "Happy Birthday" though!
Then, on March 19, my sweet neice Kayli turned 13! An official teenager!! I can hardly believe it! I remember the day she was born like it was yesterday. We were all out to eat the night before for my dads birthday at O'Charleys. My sister started having contractions during dinner. The next day, precious Kayli was born! I was in 6th grade at the time and I remember being so excited! At the time, we had a Polaroid Camera (Do those still exist?! haha) and I took polaroid pictures of Kayli to school the next day to show all of my teachers and friends. I was one proud Aunt!
But, for Kayli's birthday, she had several of her friends over to her house for a little party. Family came for the first half, and my brother-in-law grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone. The girls spent most of their time
jumping on the trampoline,
singing kareoke,
..all of those girly teenage kind of things!
In the meantime, we all sat back on the porch just talking/watching them have a good time. Here is a picture of me, my mom, grandmother, and my sisters mother-in-law. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of the men!
After that it was time for cake! Isn't this such a cute cake!? It tasted good too!!
All of Kayli's friends sang Happy Birhtday over the microphone, so it was loud!
We then ate cake, opened presents, and then all the family left so the girls could have their own fun without being watched like crazy. Overall, it was a good party! It's so hard to believe that Kayli is officially a teenager! Won't be long until she is driving! Ah!!
Happy Birthday Dad and Kayli!!
Was the video as funny as your Mom dancing in the hotel room in New York?! lol!!