A couple of weeks ago, my sister and two good friends Whitney Wakefield and Brittany Senn hosted a baby shower for Baby A in Decatur. It was absolutely perfect! Everything was so cute, and we had a great turn out! Baby A got soooo many cute things, and it made me and Ben even more excited about her arrival!
Here is a recap of the event...
This table was set up at the door, where people stopped and signed a onesie with a sweet message for Baby A. That was such a cute idea I thought! She will be able to keep it forever! Also, isn't that diaper cake precious?

For some reason, my computer won't upload the picture of the entire food table and cake, but it did upload this picture of this watermelon baby carriage. Isn't it so cute and creative?

We also handed out these little bags of pink popcorn as party favors. The tag read "Christen's About to "Pop!"

Here is a picture of my sweet neice Abby dancing around before the party started...

And of course we took a belly picture. I was almost 30 weeks at this point. Look at the wreath in the background! My moms good friend, Debbie Riddle, made this for us. I LOVE it! I have had an obsession with lambs throughout this pregnancy, so she attached a little lamb stuffed animal at the bottom. If Ben will ever let me commit to a name, I'm hoping to add some wooden initals to the wreath. Right now, I have it hanging on Baby Girls bedroom door, and we will probably take it to hang on the hospital door as well. She is so creative!

And Here are all the girls in my family....All we are missing is my grandmother! She wasn't there yet, so we didn't get one with her in it. :( We will have to take another one after Baby Girl arrives so we can all be in it anyways...

And these are the lovely hosts!! Thanks girls!!

And this is a picture of me with Ben's mom and grandparents! So glad they were all able to make it!

I tried to take a few pictures of all of the wonderful things we received for Baby A. I'll pretty much let the pictures speak for themselves. We are beyond blessed to have such great family and friends to help us prepare for her arrival! It's pretty obvious that Baby A is already loved by so many!!

She got lots of great swaddle blanketss, a boppy pillow, toys...

a bumbo seat, bibs, burp cloths, bottles, pacifiers,

precious towels and wash cloths,

lots of great outfits of all different sizes,

a bouncer seat, bath tubs,

this cute storage bin,

her carseat/stroller

and she got a pack-n-play as well, but I haven't been able to take a picture yet because we haven't put it together. Isn't everything soo soo cute? I LOVE it all, and am SOOOOOO thankful!
This past week, my work hosted a shower for us as well.. I didn't take near as many pictures...but here is the food table...

And here is a belly picture at 33 weeks! We're getting there!

Baby A got tons of great things at this shower as well, but I forgot to take pictures before I put it all away in her room. She gots tons of great outfits, blankets, more bibs/bottles/pacifiers, towels/washcloths, diapers, and wipes! It was sooo much fun and I'm so thankful for all the people I work with!
We sure are getting excited about her arrival! It makes it seem so much more real now that our house is being filled with baby items. Her room is finally starting to come together as it is filled with all of her things... Only 6 1/2 weeks to go!
Good grief girlfriend!!! I'm coming over to see it all in person!!!