A couple weeks ago Ben and I decided to head down to the beach for a very quick, impromptu beach trip. My parents had been there for week visiting my brother and his family and my sister and her family were heading down that weekend. We decided that since everyone was going to be there at the same time over the weekend, that we couldn't be the only ones left out! :)
We left after work on Friday and after an hour of Mary Hyatt screaming in the car she finally went to sleep and slept most of the way.
We got there last Friday night so pretty much just went to bed. The next morning when we woke up we were so thrilled to see that my brother and his family were already at the condo! It was great getting to see them because we hadn't seen them in about 6 months. I sure have missed my sweet niece Abby! She is getting so big!She has already lost her first tooth. Sweet, sweet girl.
Since we were only going to be there for one full day, we knew we had to make the most of it. We got up early and Ben and I decided to go rent a couple of bikes to go for a ride, while the rest of the gang was getting ready for the day. Of course, the second we got to the bike rental hut it started pouring down rain. I don't mean just a little summer shower; it was pouring. We waited and waited for it to stop but it didn't. Ben wanted to go back to the condo but I just couldn't do it. I mean after all, I had this perfect picture in my head of us riding bikes to the beach and since this was our only day, I couldn't let it pass. haha So we went. We got soaked of course but luckily it did stop raining while we were riding and eventually the sun even came out!
It was so much fun. Ben pulled Abby behind the bike and Mary Hyatt rode with me. That was the first time either of them had done that and I think they enjoyed it. Of course, Mary Hyatt had to have her bottle with her. She only dropped it a handful times haha.
Mary Hyatt cracked me up with that big helmet on her head. It was really too big, but it was the smallest one they had. She didn't seem to mind after a few minutes though and I figured it was better than nothing!
It was such a nice bike ride. To be honest, I think it was a blessing that it rained because it cooled it off and we weren't hot at all. Here is Abby looking at the ducks...Can you tell how wet we were?
It was such a peaceful ride that Mary Hyatt even went right to sleep. Love her.
After our bike ride, we headed back to the condo to meet everybody else and to get ready for the day. More to come in the next post!
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