On Sunday most of us had to head our separate ways. We decided that we would all go out to eat before we each hit the road. We tried to go to one of our favorite places, Donut Hole, but the wait was over two hours and we didn't have to time nor the patience (especially with several little ones) to wait. We then tried to find some other breakfast place that Ben had seen before, but somehow we couldn't find it. We just ended up stopping at Cracker Barrel because it was convenient and we knew we all liked it. While we waited outside, I snapped a few pictures....
My sweet niece and nephew! Hate that I don't get to see them as often as I use to!
Mary Hyatt messing with Cole....again. haha
My sister and Cole
My sister then had this brilliant idea that she wanted to get a picture with both of her nieces and her nephew..... Can you guess who decided to mess that up?!? hahahahaha I sure love this picture.... poor Cole haha
Yep... Mary Hyatt never would cooperate. This is the best we got...
I hate to make excuses for her...but she was really tired. She gets so irritable when she is tired. (Don't we all? haha) You can tell by her eyes in this picture picture how sleepy she was.
She actually ended up falling asleep in my arms right after this picture. She stayed asleep in my arms for half of our meal as well. Tired girl.
It was a good breakfast and we all enjoyed hanging out together one last time. After breakfast we each got into our separate cars and headed different ways. But, not before I could snap a group picture...
I love my family and am so thankful for the times we have together, even if it was super short and super rushed! It was worth it!
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