I was looking through some pictures on my computer and realized that there were several things that I didn't get a chance to post about, so I wanted to post a few of my favorite pictures of us from the past few months. Most of these aren't of anything special but are just sweet memories that I wanted to be able to remember.
Mary Hyatt is fascinated with bubbles. One night we sat in the floor in her room and she just giggled and giggled as she reached for the bubbles and tried to pop them. (Yes, this picture was only taken 2 months ago...my baby looks so different already and so much more grown up now!)
When Ben and I were home over the 4th of July we did a little shopping and running around town. MH loves to steal her daddy's glasses. I love this picture of the two of them!
When it was super hot outside this summer, we went through a phase where we were giving our dogs a bath just about every weekend. Every time MH loved to "help" and loved playing in the water. We filled up this tiny pool one time and let her just plop down in it...shoes and all. She thought it was pretty fun.
and especially loved a little sugar from her "sister!" haha
Every time I get home from work or basically anytime we go outside, MH has a routine of first walking and getting on her little car that we push her in and then walking around the house to the fence to greet Emma. Unfortunately, Emma has been jumping the fence lately and has had to be caged in her crate all day lately, so these trips to the fence have started to fade.
I just love this face!!We also took several Sunday afternoon naps. This was one of the best days. After church, we made a huge pallet on the floor and turned cartoons on the tv. MH curled up next to me and we both fell asleep and slept for about 2 hours. It was wonderful! She is such a cuddler. (Little did I know that she would get really sick the next
Mary Hyatt got really sick with an extremely high fever and was completely lethargic for a week. Because Ben and I both couldn't take off work the entire week, we had lots of help from family and friends. Our friend Whitney came and stayed with her one day and her Lovie and Aunt Sally came another day. I captured this picture of her and Sally.
I bought Mary Hyatt this new toy. This was one of my favorite deal steals! These things run from anywhere between $70-80 in the retail stores. I had been searching and searching for one in consignment shops. I had seen this exact one in a children's consignment store and they were wanting $45 for it. I still couldn't bring myself to buy it. Lucky for me, I went to a yard sale one morning and found this very one for only $15!!! It looks brand spankin' new too!! I was so so thrilled. Mary Hyatt was too..and she still enjoys playing with. What a deal!!
One weekend while we were in Decatur, my parents and I stopped by my sister's house while Ben was playing golf with his dad. My sister and her family weren't even home but were somewhat close so we decided to hang out in their back yard and wait. My dad decided to give Mary Hyatt her first lesson in basketball.
She's really taking it in. I just love these pictures. They are so sweet.
Ben ended up joining us when he finished playing golf. MH decided she would show off her awesome defense skills that she had "learned" haha...arms up!
Daddy even helped her try to shoot the ball.....but she was more interested in dropping the ball and grabbing the net.
Mary Hyatt loves to read books. I snapped this picture of Ben reading to her one night. Precious.
My big girl!! Love her more than words can express!!
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