Two weekends ago, Ben, Mary Hyatt, me and our good friend Leigh Anna decided to go to Boo at the Zoo at the Birmingham zoo. Leigh Anna's husband, Bagby, was playing in his band at a wedding reception that night so he didn't get to join us.
We had spent the day at a friends house watching football games so I was worried about how Mary Hyatt would do. She was a little tired and not enthusiastic, but overall was great considering it was past her bed time.
We attemped to get a picture with Leigh Anna in front of this giant blow up, but Mary Hyatt (and apparently me too! :)) was way to fascinated by the ghost to look at the camera. At least Leigh Anna is looking good!
We had to distract Mary Hyatt past the "scarousel" because she kept pointing at it and wanting to ride it, but the line was terribly long and we were afraid we wouldn't have time to do anything else if we waited in it. We ran to the petting zoo section hoping that would distract her. She actually did enjoy looking at all of the animals. I think she was probably totally confused that most of these animals look nothing like her "toy" animals that we play with in the bath tub. She also didn't like that their animal sounds didn't quite sound like the sounds I've been teaching her that they make. haha Ben got this picture of her after she heard a swan squeal/quack. It was very loud. haha She clung tightly to me and her eyes were so big! She was not a fan.
But, her daddy bought her a cool "glowing" wand that she was totally fascinated with. Such a good daddy!
We went through the "trick-or-treating" path and got lots of candy and then we headed to ride the train. The line was a little long but it was worth the wait. Mary Hyatt really enjoyed the train ride!
Poor daddy was so bummed because he had to sit by himself.... haha
We finished the night by letting Mary Hyatt ride a pony. This was by far the hit of the night! We definitely saved the best for last!
Overall, I think Mary Hyatt had a good time. She will enjoy it even more next year when she is able to "ride" a few more of the rides!
On the way home, I let her have one of the suckers from her candy bag. This was also a big hit... Can you tell what color it was?

Because she was so sticky when we got home, I knew she needed a quick bath before getting in the bed. We opted for a bath in the kitchen sink since it would fill up quickly! I can't believe I have never given her a bath there before.
Bubbles always make things more fun!
Such a fun night celebrating Halloween! Thanks Leigh Anna for going with us!
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