Today I got a notice that I have posted 252 posts on this blog, and that I have used all of my "free space" for pictures. I have no idea what that means but I ended up having to buy more space. Has anybody else had that happen? I guess that means that I'm posting way too many pictures. This post is no exception. Consider yourself warned! :)
Thanksgiving this year was a little different than usual. Instead of traveling different places we actually stayed in Decatur for the whole day which was kind of nice. We started the day off at Ben's parent's house. We typically use to do it with his extended family at his grandparents house. This year we just had it with the immediate family.
Lovie had the table set beautifully with a seat for everyone...
even complete with a special seat for Mary Hyatt set with a placemat made by Sally in 1999. Love it.
Mary Hyatt enjoyed a quick morning snack with Aunt Courtney while the food was getting prepared.
And of course we couldn't have a trip to Lovie and Grandaddy's without a visit to the dogs.
Sometimes I really do think Mary Hyatt thinks she is part dog...
and while we are at it, I love this sweet man too! ;)
With our two recent weddings, our family sure has "officially" grown this year!
Before the food was ready, Mary Hyatt actually went down for a nap and didn't wake up before we started eating. Though I hated for her to miss lunch, it was actually really nice being able to eat a meal without having to "rush" through it and without having to worry about feeding her. It was sooo yummy. We did save her a plate though and she did eat it when she woke up. She actually woke up just as we were eating dessert so she was still able to "join the party" at the table. After lunch we all headed outside to enjoy the beautiful weather. It was such a gorgeous fall day. Of course Mary Hyatt stole the show and entertained everybody...
The men watching her...
and the ladies watching her...
Nope, she's not spoiled rotten at all! ;)
We also got out one of her new toys that a friend had given us-a princess motor car. It's so cute watching her ride around on it. She can push the button to make it go, but the only problem is that she has no clue how to steer yet haha. We'll have to work on that!
And Mary Hyatt had some fun with her Lovie
and with her Uncle Jack who thought it was fun to jump over Mary Hyatt. haha Mary Hyatt was equally amused!
Mary Hyatt also played a fun game of hide and seek with Aunt Meg...only she didn't quite understand the whole meaning behind "hide."
Then I had all the guys pose for a quick picture.(yes, as you can tell, I am a little camera happy these days!)
We had such a fun start to our Thanksgiving day.
It's always fun to be with family.
After all this, we then headed to my grandparents house for Round 2. Stay tuned....
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