Saturday, December 15, 2012

My Brother's Family Homecoming

I know I've mentioned before on this blog that my brother and his family moved down to the Mobile, Alabama area back in the summer.  My brother had gotten a job down there and they ended up really liking it.  It was tough at times though because we were all so use to seeing them and their precious kiddos ALL the time.  With them being far away and my brothers intense work schedule, they weren't able to come home often.  It had been over 5 months since we had seem them.  They were suppose to be able to come home for Thanksgiving but unfortunately that fell through because my brother had to work the day after, which meant that driving to north Alabama and back in one day just wouldn't be worth it, especially with two babies.  Long story short, my brother's company offered them the opportunity to move to New Jersey due to an increase in help needed due to Hurricane Sandy.  After some thought, they decided they would do it.  We knew with them moving that far (funny how we thought Mobile was far now!) and him starting new work opportunities, we are pretty sure that they won't be able to come home from Christmas.  They did however plan to stop in Decatur one night to see all of us on their drive from Mobile to New Jersey.  You can only imagine how excited we all were to see them!!!  With such a big move, they weren't able to head out as early as they planned and didn't make it to Decatur until about 9:30 that night, but we were all still up and waiting to greet them!

Warning:  Lots of pictures on these next 2 posts.  With such a special night, I think all these pictures are warranted.  Not to mention, this is the best way for my family to get the pictures from me to print on their own.

First time to see them as we greeted them on the front porch!
 Yea, I know I'm looking a little rough but it had been a long day and was late (for me considering I'm usually in bed by like 8:30 these days) I was totally shocked at how big Cole had gotten!! He wasn't a tiny baby anymore! 

And Abby too!!! I swear she had grown a foot since I had last seen her.  Not to mention her little personality seems so grown up! 
 They had had a long drive and I'm sure this little boy was thrilled to be out of that car seat!  Is he not the cutest thing ever?!
 Oh how I've missed these kiddos!!
 I use to keep Abby all the time when she was a baby.  She even came to spend the night with me in Birmingham several times while I was in graduate school.  I love those memories and can't believe how big she is getting! She will be 5 in February! :(
 My mom and dad with my brother..all smiles! :)

 Ben and I went ahead and let the kids open their Christmas presents from us because we weren't sure if we would see them in the morning before we headed back to Birmingham.  We got this little walker for Cole.  He is 8 months old and getting close to walking.  We hope this little toy will help him get the hang of it! He seemed to like it that night!
 We got Abby this little drawing board.  She loved it.  She kept showing me how she had learned to write her name, or draw a flower, or draw different shapes.  Again...she seemed so big and so old!
 Mary Hyatt loved getting to play with her cousins!!!

And of course Pappy got in on some of the fun!
 And he was definitely their best friend since he was holding and distributing the puffs snack!
 We then all went to bed since it was getting late.  Stay tuned for day 2....

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